20th Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2016)

Workshop "Big Data for networking: opportunities, challenges, and requirements"


Marc Ruiz Ramírez, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Ioannis Tomkos, Athens Information Technology Center, Greece


Modern cloud-based networks (also known as the telecom cloud) are perceived as an amalgamation of resources rather than a collection of devices programmed to perform a single task in a near optimum way. In addition, deploying the telecom cloud presents a differential set of challenges due to the industry's inherent requirements for availability, low latency, and complex networking (Ethernet, optical, wireless, etc.). Furthermore, the advances in computing hardware enable network functions virtualization (NFV), where network functions can be virtualized and placed in datacenters; virtualized functions scale in/out makes possible to adapt the network function footprint to the real demand according to the actual load.

In this ecosystem, the adoption of big data storage and analytics is of paramount importance since they facilitate the exploitation of Software Defined Networking (SDN) programmability for fully utilizing the capacity of the deployed capacity and supporting self-configuration of the infrastructure to variable workload demands during lifetime.

This workshop will address the following open questions:

A panel of experts covering distinct roles in the telecom industry, academy, and standardization will provide their vision of the topic. Afterwards, an open discussion between the speakers and the audience will be conducted.


Monday, May 9, 14:15 - 17:15


Juan Pedro Fernandez-Palacios (Telefónica, Spain) - Big Data for new peering and interconnection models between Telco and OTT providers
Nicola Sambo (CNIT, Italy) - Monitoring plane architecture for modern cloud-based networks
Brigitte Jaumard (Concordia University, Canada) - Optical Performance Monitoring, Big Data Analytics and Optical Network Health
Jaafar Elmirghani (University of Leeds, UK) - Big Data Analytics in Support of Optimum Routing, Replication and Processing
Luis Velasco (UPC, Spain) - How data analytics can help to manage services: An example for CDN

20th Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2016)
May 9-12, 2016 - Cartagena (Spain)
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