All papers must be submitted as PDF files following the instrucions from the Call for Papers by the deadline of April 3, 2016. The final manuscript should address comments from the reviewers.
In order to be included in the ONDM 2016 Conference Proceedings and published on IEEE Xplore, each regular/invited paper should be presented by one of its authors. Please, complete your registration as soon as possible.
For assistance during the submission/registration process please contact
Authors must complete the electronic copyright form available from EDAS submission page. One copyright form per accepted paper must be completed.
ONDM 2016 papers will be presented by means of either a lecture-style speech. Presenters should check the Technical Programme to make sure the schedule for their oral or presentation.
Each speaker is allocated the following slot size, including questions from the audience:
The conference room will be equipped with a projector and a PC. Presenters are required to get in touch with the session chairs at least 10 minutes before their session starts. Allowed presentation formats include PDF (recommended) and Microsoft Powerpoint.