Optical fibre and 5G infrastructures are key technologies to support the Future Internet. Emerging paradigms like the Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0 or the tactile internet impose stringent requirements that current networks cannot provide. In the area of backhaul infrastructure, optical access and metro networks are evolving to address the continuous increase in traffic volume, traffic dynamicity and number of connected devices, while providing low latencies. In the access network segment, Passive Optical Networks (PONs) are the best infrastructure to provide high bandwidth in a cost-effective way. In the metro segment, the adoption of elastic infrastructure in combination with an efficient and open control layer based on SDN (Software-Defined Networks) can prepare the backhaul to deal with the future applications and services. In this context, the integration of both access and metro networks is a must. Two key technologies for that aim are network function virtualization (NFV) and, again, SDN. These technologies will allow for the support of every kind of service while being efficient from the point of view of energy consumption (and, hence, CO2 emissions) and costs.
ONOFRE-2 aims at extending the capabilities offered by the converged access/metro network designed in the previous national project ONOFRE by encouraging NFV techniques over a virtualized infrastructure. Virtualization, together with the use of the MEC paradigm, enable both energy consumption and cost reductions, and open the door to new IoT or tactile Internet services. The novelties of ONOFRE-2 are (1) the proposal of architectures, planning methods and holistic control techniques for converged access/metro networks able to comply with the requirements of 5G, IoT and Tactile Internet services, (2) the introduction of the MEC paradigm as a key ingredient to attain the previous objective, and (3) the use of SDN and NFV techniques as additional enabling tools.
Reference: TEC2017-84423-C3-1-P (Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento)
Coordinator Group
GCO-UVa Optical Communications Group
Ramón J. Durán Barroso
ETS de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación
UVa - Universidad de Valladolid
Campus Miguel Delibes
Paseo de Belén, 15
47011 - Valladolid (España)
+34 983 185 557
+34 983 423 667
The following publications have been total or partially funded by the ONOFRE-2 project:
L. Ruiz, R. J. Durán Barroso, I. De Miguel, N. Merayo, J. C. Aguado and E. J. Abril, “Routing, Modulation and Spectrum Assignment Algorithm Using Multi-Path Routing and Best-Fit”, IEEE Access 2021, 9, pp.111633-111650. [DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3101998] [BibTex]
@inproceedings{Ruiz2021, author = {L. Ruiz, R. J. Durán Barroso, I. De Miguel, N. Merayo, J. C. Aguado and E. J. Abril}, title = {Routing, Modulation and Spectrum Assignment Algorithm Using Multi-Path Routing and Best-Fit}, booktitle= {IEEE Access}, year = {2021} }
N. Merayo, D. de Pintos, J.C. Aguado, I. de Miguel, R.J. Durán, et. al., “Experimental validation of an SDN residential network management proposal over a GPON testbed”, Optical Switching and Networking 2021, 42, pp.1-14. [DOI:10.1016/j.osn.2021.1006311] [BibTex]
@inproceedings{Merayo2021, author = {N. Merayo, D. de Pintos, J.C. Aguado, I. de Miguel, R.J. Durán, et. al.}, title = {Experimental validation of an SDN residential network management proposal over a GPON testbed}, booktitle= {Optical Switching and Networking}, year = {2021} }
N. Merayo, J.C. Aguado, I. de Miguel, R.J. Durán, P. Fernández, et. al., “A testbed and a simulation laboratory for training engineering students in optical access network technologies”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education 2021, pp.1-19. [DOI:10.1002/cae.22429] [BibTex]
@inproceedings{MerayoA2021, author = {N. Merayo, J.C. Aguado, I. de Miguel, R.J. Durán, P. Fernández, et. al.}, title = {A testbed and a simulation laboratory for training engineering students in optical access network technologies}, booktitle= {Computer Applications in Engineering Education}, year = {2021} }
E. Mantas, D. Papadopoulos, C. Fernández, N. Ortiz, M. Compastie, et al., “Practical Autonomous Cyberhealth for resilient Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”,
2021 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom) - Special Session: Securing Future Networks
Athens, Greece, 2021
@inproceedings{Mantas021, author = {E. Mantas, D. Papadopoulos, C. Fernández, N. Ortiz, M. Compastie, et al.}, title = {Practical Autonomous Cyberhealth for resilient Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises}, booktitle= {IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom) - Special Session: Securing Future Networks}, year = {2021} }
A. Pino, P. Khodashenas, X. Hesselbach, E. Coronado, S. Siddiqui, “Validation and Benchmarking of CNFs in OSM for pure Cloud Native applications in 5G and beyond”,
Athens, Greece, 2021
@inproceedings{Pino021, author = {A. Pino, P. Khodashenas, X. Hesselbach, E. Coronado, S. Siddiqui}, title = {Validation and Benchmarking of CNFs in OSM for pure Cloud Native applications in 5G and beyond}, booktitle= {IEEE ICCCN}, year = {2021} }
F.J. Moreno-Muro, M. Garrich, I. Iglesias-Castreño, S. Zahir, P. Pavón-Mariño, "Emulating Software-Defined Disaggregated Optical Networks in a Containerized Framework",
Applied Science
2021, 11, 2081. [DOI:10.3390/app11052081]
@inproceedings{Moreno2021, author = {F.J. Moreno-Muro, M. Garrich, I. Iglesias-Castreño, S. Zahir, P. Pavón-Mariño}, title = {Emulating Software-Defined Disaggregated Optical Networks in a Containerized Framework}, booktitle= {Applied Sciences}, vol = {11}, year = {2021} } }
N. Merayo, D. de Pintos, J.C. Aguado, I. de Miguel, R.J. Durán, P. Fernández, R.M. Lorenzo, E.J. Abril, "An Experimental OpenFlow Proposal over Legacy GPONs to Allow Real-Time Service Reconfiguration Policies",
Applied Science
, jna. 2021, 11(3):903
@inproceedings{MerayoB2021, author = {Merayo, Noemí and de Pintos, David and Aguado, Juan C. and de Miguel, Ignacio and Durán, Ramón J. and Fernández, Patricia and Lorenzo, Rubén M. and Abril, Evaristo J.}, title = {An Experimental OpenFlow Proposal over Legacy GPONs to Allow Real-Time Service Reconfiguration Policies}, booktitle= {Applied Sciences}, vol = {11}, issue = {3}, year = {2021} }
C. Anzola-Rojas, R.J. Durán Barroso, I. de Miguel, N. Merayo, J.C. Aguado, et. al., "Joint Planning of MEC and Fiber Deployment in Sparsely Populated Areas",
25th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling
2021, pp. 1-3. [DOI:10.23919/ONDM51796.2021.9492396]
@inproceedings{Anzola2021, author = {C. Anzola-Rojas, R.J. Durán Barroso, I. de Miguel, N. Merayo, J.C. Aguado, et. al.}, title = {Joint Planning of MEC and Fiber Deployment in Sparsely Populated Areas}, booktitle= {25th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling}, year = {2021} }
R.J. Durán Barroso, C. Anzola-Rojas, N. Merayo, I. de Miguel, J.C. Aguado, et. al., "Propuesta de Política Público-Privada para el Despliegue de la Banda Ancha en Entornos Rurales de Castilla y León",
IV Workshop on Disruptive Information and Communication Technologies for Innovation and Digital Transformation
@inproceedings{Duran2021, author = {R.J. Durán Barroso, C. Anzola-Rojas, N. Merayo, I. de Miguel, J.C. Aguado, et. al.}, title = {Propuesta de Política Público-Privada para el Despliegue de la Banda Ancha en Entornos Rurales de Castilla y León}, booktitle= {IV Workshop on Disruptive Information and Communication Technologies for Innovation and Digital Transformation}, year = {2021} }
C. Anzola-Rojas, R.J. Durán Barroso, A. Chaves, J. Parra-Domínguez, "Multi-access Edge Computing: Características principales y aplicación en entornos rurales de baja densidad de población",
III Workshop on Disruptive Information and Communication Technologies for Innovation and Digital Transformation
@inproceedings{Anzola2020, author = {C. Anzola-Rojas, R.J. Durán Barroso, A. Chaves, J. Parra-Domínguez}, title = {Multi-access Edge Computing: Características principales y aplicación en entornos rurales de baja densidad de población}, booktitle= {III Workshop on Disruptive Information and Communication Technologies for Innovation and Digital Transformation}, year = {2020} }
N. Merayo, D. de Pintos, J. C. Aguado, R. J. Durán, I. de Miguel, P. Fernández, R. M. Lorenzo, and E. J. Abril, "An experimental SDN proposal over legacy GPONs to allow real-time service and residential network reconfiguration",
22nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2020
@inproceedings{Merayo2020A, author = {N. Merayo, D. de Pintos, J. C. Aguado, R. J. Durán, I. de Miguel, P. Fernández, R. M. Lorenzo, and E. J. Abril}, title = {An experimental SDN proposal over legacy GPONs to allow real-time service and residential network reconfiguration}, booktitle= {22nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2020}, year = {2020} }
P. Viroonluecha, T. Borisut, and J. Santa, "COVID19 X-Ray Image Classification using Voting Ensemble CNNs Transfer Learning",
Proceedings of The International Joint Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing, iSAI-NLP 2020, Bangkok and Online
, Nov. 2020, pp. 110-114.
@inproceedings{PHOURIA2020, author = {P. Viroonluecha, T. Borisut, and J. Santa}, title = {COVID19 X-Ray Image Classification using Voting Ensemble CNNs Transfer Learning}, booktitle = {International Joint Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing, iSAI-NLP 2020} } }
R. Flores, D. Fernández, N. Merayo, C.M. Lentisco, A. Cárdenas, "NFV and SDN-Based Differentiated Traffic Treatment for Residential Networks",
IEEE Access, Vol.8, 34038-34055
, 2020
@inproceedings{Flores2020, author={R. {Flores Moyano} and D. {Fernández} and N. {Merayo} and C. M. {Lentisco} and A. {Cárdenas}}, journal={IEEE Access}, title={NFV and SDN-Based Differentiated Traffic Treatment for Residential Networks}, year={2020}, volume={8}, pages={34038-34055} }
A. Asensio, X. Masip-Bruin, R.J. Durán, I. de Miguel, G. Ren, S. Daijavad, A. Jukan., "Designing an efficient clustering strategy for combined Fog-to-Cloud scenarios",
Future Generation Computer Systems, vol 109, 392-406,
, 2020
@inproceedings{Asensio2020, title = {Designing an efficient clustering strategy for combined Fog-to-Cloud scenarios}, journal = {Future Generation Computer Systems}, volume = {109}, pages = {392-406}, year = {2020} }
Fernández, C., Giménez, S., Grasa, E., Brunch, S., "A P4-Enabled RNA Interior Router for Software-Defined Data Centers",
Computers, vol 9(3) 70,
, 2020
@inproceedings{FERNANDEZ2020, author = {Fernandez, C., Giménez, S-, Grasa, E., Brunch, S.}, title = {A P4-Enabled RNA Interior Router for Software-Defined Data Centers}, booktitle = {Computers} vol = {9} issue = {3} year = {2020} }
Miquel Garrich Alabarce, Anderson Bravalheri, Pablo Pavón Mari&nacuteo, "INSPIRING-SNI: Investigating SDN Programmability Improving Optical South- and North- bound Interfaces",
in International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2020)
, 2020
@inproceedings{MIQUEL2020B, author = {Miquel Garrich Alabarce, Anderson Bravalheri, Pablo Pavón Mari&nacuteo}, title = {INSPIRING-SNI: Investigating SDN Programmability Improving Optical South- and North- bound Interfaces}, booktitle = {in International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2020)} }
Ignacio Iglesias-Castre&nacuteo, Miquel Garrich Alabarce, Manuel Hernández-Bastida, Pablo Pavón Mari&nacuteo, "Towards an Open-source Framework for Jointly Emulating Control and Data planes of Disaggregated Optical Networks",
in International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2020)
, 2020
@inproceedings{IGNACIO2020, author = {Ignacio Iglesias-Castre&nacuteo, Miquel Garrich Alabarce, Manuel Hernández-Bastida, Pablo Pavón Mari&nacuteo}, title = {Towards an Open-source Framework for Jointly Emulating Control and Data planes of Disaggregated Optical Networks}, booktitle = {in International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2020)} }
Pablo Pavon Marino, Miquel Garrich Alabarce, Francisco Javier Moreno Muro, Marco Quagliotti, Emilio Riccardi, Albert Rafel, Andrew Lord, "Hands-on Demonstration of Open-Source Filterless-Aware Offline Planning and Analysis Tool for WDM Networks",
accepted at Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC)
, pp. M3Z.7, San Diego, USA, 2020, doi: 10.1364/OFC.2020.M3Z.7
@inproceedings{PABLOOFC2020, author = {Pablo Pavon Marino, Miquel Garrich Alabarce, Francisco Javier Moreno Muro, Marco Quagliotti, Emilio Riccardi, Albert Rafel, Andrew Lord}, title = {Hands-on Demonstration of Open-Source Filterless-Aware Offline Planning and Analysis Tool for WDM Networks}, booktitle = {accepted at Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC)} pp = {M3Z.7} year = {2020} DOI = {10.1364/OFC.2020.M3Z.7} }
P. Pavon-Marino, F. J. Moreno-Muro, M. Garrich, M. Quagliotti, E. Riccardi, A. Rafel, and A. Lord, "Techno-economic impact of filterless data plane and agile control plane in the 5G optical metro",
Journal of Lightwave Technology (JLT)
, 2020, doi: 10.1109/JLT.2020.2982131
@inproceedings{PABLOJLT2020, author = {P. Pavon-Marino, F. J. Moreno-Muro, M. Garrich, M. Quagliotti, E. Riccardi, A. Rafel, and A. Lord}, title = {Techno-economic impact of filterless data plane and agile control plane in the 5G optical metro}, booktitle = {Journal of Lightwave Technology (JLT)} year = {2020} DOI = {10.1109/JLT.2020.2982131} }
Khalili, H.; Rincón, D.; Sallent, S.; Piney, J.R., "An Energy-Efficient Distributed Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for Passive Optical Access Networks",
Sustainability 2020
, 12, 2264.
@inproceedings{POURIA20, author = {Khalili, H.; Rincón, D.; Sallent, S.; Piney, J.R.}, title = {An Energy-Efficient Distributed Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for Passive Optical Access Networks}, booktitle = {Sustainability 2020} vol = {12} pp = {2264} year = {2020} }
M. Garrich, J.L-Romero-Gazquez, F.J. Moreno-Muro, M. Hernandez-Bastida, P. Pavon-Marino, "Joint Optimization of IT, IP and WDM Layers: From Theory to Practice",
in Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM2020)
, 2020
@inproceedings{MIQUEL20A, author = {Miquel Garrich, José-Luis Romero-Gázquez, Francisco-Javier Moreno-Muro, Manuel Hernández Bastida, Pablo Pavon-Marino}, title = {Joint Optimization of IT, IP and WDM Layers: From Theory to Practice}, booktitle = {in Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM2020)} year = {2020} }
M. Garrich et al., "IT and Multi-layer Online Resource Allocation and Offline Planning in Metropolitan Networks",
in Journal of Lightwave Technology
, vol:38(12), June 15, 2020, doi: 10.1109/JLT.2020.2990066.
@inproceedings{MIQUEL20, author = {M. Garrich et al.}, title = {IT and Multi-layer Online Resource Allocation and Offline Planning in Metropolitan Networks}, booktitle = {in Journal of Lightwave Technology} vol = {38} issue = {12} year = {2020} }
L. Ruiz, R.J. Durán Barroso, I. de Miguel, N. Merayo, J.C. Aguado, R. de la Rosa, P. Fernández, R.M. Lorenzo, E.J. Abril, "Genetic Algorithm for Holistic VNF-Mapping and Virtual Topology Design",
IEEE Access, vol 9, 55893-55904.
@inproceedings{Ruiz20, author={L. {Ruiz} and R. J. D. {Barroso} and I. {De Miguel} and N. {Merayo} and J. C. {Aguado} and R. {De La Rosa} and P. {Fernández} and R. M. {Lorenzo} and E. J. {Abril}}, journal={IEEE Access}, title={Genetic Algorithm for Holistic VNF-Mapping and Virtual Topology Design}, year={2020}, volume={8}, pages={55893-55904}, doi={10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982018} }
Hamzeh Khalili, Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, Muhammad Shuaib Siddiqui, "Study on Softwarization of Management Wavelength Allocation in EPON Networks",
in International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2020)
, 2020
@inproceedings{POURIA20A, author = {Hamzeh Khalili, Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, Muhammad Shuaib Siddiqui}, title = {Study on Softwarization of Management Wavelength Allocation in EPON Networks}, booktitle = {in International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2020)} }
L. Ruiz, R.J. Durán, I. de Miguel, N. Merayo, J.C. Aguado, P. Fernández, R.M. Lorenzo and E.J. Abril, "Comparison of Different Protection Schemes in the Design of VNF-Mapping with VNF Resiliency",
22nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2019
, 2020
@inproceedings{Ruiz2020A, }
Hamzeh Khalili, Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, Shuaib Siddiqui, "On the Orchestration of Integrated Satellite Components in 5G Networks and Beyond",
in International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2020)
, 2020
@inproceedings{POURIA20B, author = {Hamzeh Khalili, Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, Shuaib Siddiqui}, title = {On the Orchestration of Integrated Satellite Components in 5G Networks and Beyond}, booktitle = {in International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2020)} }
I. Viloria, R.J. Durán, I. de Miguel, L. Ruiz, N. Merayo, J.C. Aguado, P. Fernández, R.M. Lorenzo and E.J. Abril, "Joint Core and Spectrum Allocation in Dynamic Optical Networks with ROADMs with no Line Changes",
11th EAI International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems (EAI BROADNETS 2020)
,Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 355
@inproceedings{Viloria2020 , }
M. Garrich, M. Hernández-Bastida, C. San-Nicolás-Martínez, F. J. Moreno-Muro, and P. Pavon-Mariño, "The Net2Plan-OpenStack Project: IT Resource Manager for Metropolitan SDN/NFV Ecosystems",
Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2019)
San Diego (California United States), 2019.
@inproceedings{MiquelGarrich2019a , author = {M. Garrich, M. Hernández-Bastida, C. San-Nicolás-Martínez, F. J. Moreno-Muro, and P. Pavon-Marino}, title = {The Net2Plan-OpenStack Project: IT Resource Manager for Metropolitan SDN/NFV Ecosystems}, booktitle = { Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2019) }, year = {2019} }
M. Garrich, C. San-Nicolás-Martínez, F.J. Moreno-Muro, A. Mayoral Lopez-de-Lerma, O. Gonzalez de Dios, V. López, A. Giorgetti, A. Sgambelluri, L. Tancevski, D. Verchere, and P. Pavon-Mariño, "Gap Analysis on Open Models for Partially-Disaggregated SDN Optical Transport Environments",
Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2019)
San Diego (California United States), 2019.
@inproceedings{MiquelGarrich2019b , author = {M. Garrich, C. San-Nicolás-Martínez, F.J. Moreno-Muro, A. Mayoral Lopez-de-Lerma, O. Gonzalez de Dios, V. López, A. Giorgetti, A. Sgambelluri, L. Tancevski, D. Verchere, and P. Pavon-Marino}, title = {Gap Analysis on Open Models for Partially-Disaggregated SDN Optical Transport Environments}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2019)}, year = {2019} }
María-Victoria Bueno-Delgado, José-Luis Romero-Gázquez, Pilar Jiménez, Pablo Pavón-Mariño, "Optimal Path Planning for Selective Waste Collection in Smart Cities",
in Sensors
19(9):1973, April 2019.
@inproceedings{MVictoriaSensors2019, author = {María-Victoria Bueno-Delgado, José-Luis Romero-Gázquez, Pilar Jiménez, Pablo Pavón-Mariño}, title = {Optimal Path Planning for Selective Waste Collection in Smart Cities}, booktitle = {Sensors}, year = {2019} DOI = {http://doi.org/10.3390/s19091973} }
Francisco-Javier Moreno-Muro, Nina Skorin-Kapov, Pablo Pavon-Mariño, "Revisiting Core Traffic Growth in the Presence of Expanding CDNs",
Elservier Computer Networks
vol. 154, no.1, pp. 1-11, May 2019.
@inproceedings{FranciscoJavierMoreno2019a, author = {Francisco-Javier Moreno-Muro, Nina Skorin-Kapov, Pablo Pavon-Marino}, title = {Revisiting Core Traffic Growth in the Presence of Expanding CDNs}, booktitle = {Accepted in Elservier Computer Networks}, year = {2019} url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1389128618309423} DOI = {http://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2019.03.005} }
M. Garrich, C. San-Nicolas-Martinez, F.J. Moreno-Muro, M.V. Bueno-Delgado, P. Pavon-Mariño, "Network Optimization as a Service with Net2Plan",
in Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2019)
Valencia (Spain), June 2019.
@inproceedings{MGarrichEuCNC2019 , author = {M. Garrich, C. San-Nicolas-Martinez, F.J. Moreno-Muro, M.V. Bueno-Delgado, P. Pavon-Marino}, title = {Network Optimization as a Service with Net2Plan}, booktitle = {Accepted in the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2019)}, year = {2019} }
Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, Hamzeh Khalili, Daniel Guija, Shuaib Siddiqui, "TALENT: Towards Integration of Satellite and Terrestrial Networks",
in Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2019)
Valencia (Spain), June 2019.
@inproceedings{PouriaEuCNC2019, author = {Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, Hamzeh Khalili, Daniel Guija, Shuaib Siddiqui}, title = {TALENT: Towards Integration of Satellite and Terrestrial Networks}, booktitle = {Accepted in the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2019)}, year = {2019} }
Hamzeh Khalili, Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, Daniel Guija, Shuaib Siddiqui, "Introducing Terrestrial Satellite Resource Orchestration Layer",
in Proceedings of International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2019)
Angers (France), July 2019.
@inproceedings{PouriaICTON2019, author = {Hamzeh Khalili, Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, Daniel Guija, Shuaib Siddiqui}, title = {Introducing Terrestrial Satellite Resource Orchestration Layer}, booktitle = {Accepted in the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2019)} year = {2019} }
J.L. Romero-Gazquez, Miquel Garrich, Francisco-Javier Moreno-Muro, María-Victoria Bueno-Delgado, Pablo Pavón-Mariño, "NIW: A Net2Plan-based Library for NFV over IP over WDM Networks",
in Proceedings of International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2019)
Angers (France), July 2019.
@inproceedings{JLRGICTONNIW2019 , author = {José-Luis Romero-Gázquez, Miquel Garrich, Francisco-Javier Moreno-Muro, María-Victoria Bueno-Delgado, Pablo Pavón-Mariño}, title = {NIW: A Net2Plan-based Library for NFV over IP over WDM Networks}, booktitle = {Accepted in the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2019)} year = {2019} }
José-Luis Romero-Gázquez, Francisco-Javier Moreno-Muro, Miquel Garrich, María-Victoria Bueno-Delgado, Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, Pablo Pavón-Mariño, "A use case of shared 5G backhaul segment planning in an urban area",
in Proceedings of International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2019)
Angers (France), July 2019.
@inproceedings{JLRGICTONNIW2019 , author = {José-Luis Romero-Gázquez, Francisco-Javier Moreno-Muro, Miquel Garrich, María-Victoria Bueno-Delgado, Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, Pablo Pavón-Mariño}, title = {A use case of shared 5G backhaul segment planning in an urban area}, booktitle = {Accepted in the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2019)} year = {2019} }
J-J. Pedreno-Manresa, P. S. Khodashenas, J-L. Izquierdo-Zaragoza, and P. Pavon-Mariño, "Improved User Experience by Dynamic Service Handover and Deployment on 5G Network Edge",
in Proceedings of International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2019)
Angers (France), July 2019.
@inproceedings{JJICTON2019, author = {J-J. Pedreno-Manresa, P. S. Khodashenas, J-L. Izquierdo-Zaragoza, and P. Pavon-Mariño}, title = {Improved User Experience by Dynamic Service Handover and Deployment on 5G Network Edge}, booktitle = {in Proceedings of International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2019)} year = {2019} }
J. Aznar-Poveda, E. Egea-López, A.J. García-Sánchez, P. Pavón-Mariño, "Time-to-Collision-Based Awareness and Congestion Control for Vehicular Communications",
in IEEE Access (Early Access)
October, 2019.
@inproceedings{PABLOIEEE2019, author = {J. Aznar-Poveda, E. Egea-López, A.J. García-Sánchez, P. Pavón-Mariño}, title = {Time-to-Collision-Based Awareness and Congestion Control for Vehicular Communications}, booktitle = {in IEEE Access (Early Access)} month = {October} year = {2019} DOI = {10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2949131} }
L. Ruiz, R.J. Durán, I. de Miguel, N. Merayo, J.C. Aguado, P. Fernández, R.M. Lorenzo, E.J. Abril, "Design of VNF-Mapping with Node Protection in WDM Metro Networks",
10th International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems (Broadnets2019)
, 2019.
@inproceedings{Ruiz2019A , }
L. Ruiz; R. J. Durán; I. de Miguel; N. Merayo; J. C. Aguado; P. Fernández; R. M. Lorenzo; E. J. Abril, "Joint VNF-Provisioning and Virtual Topology Design in 5G Optical Metro Networks",
21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON)
, 2019.
@inproceedings{Ruiz2019B , }
J. Mata, I. de Miguel, R.J. Durán, J.C. Aguado, N. Merayo, L. Ruiz, P. Fernández, R.M. Lorenzo, E.J. Abril, and I. Tomkos, "Supervised Machine Learning Techniques for Quality of Transmission Assessment in Optical Networks",
20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2019
@inproceedings{Mata2019a , }
N. Merayo, D. Pintos, J. Azofra, J.C. Aguado, I. de Miguel, R.J. Durán, P. Fernández, R.M. Lorenzo, E.J. Abril, "Implementation of an automated control module in Python for a SDN GPON testbed",
Reunión Óptica Española de Optoelectrónica (Optoel 2019)
@inproceedings{Merayo2019, }
J.J. Pedreño-Manresa, J.L. Izquierdo-Zaragoza, F. Cugini and P. Pavon-Mariño,
"On the Benefits of Elastic Spectrum Management in Multi-Hour Filterless Metro Networks", in
Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2018)
@inproceedings{Pedreno2018a, author = {J.J. Pedreño-Manresa, J.L. Izquierdo-Zaragoza, F. Cugini and P. Pavon-Mariño}, title = {On the Benefits of Elastic Spectrum Management in Multi-Hour Filterless Metro Networks}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2018)}, year = {2018} }
Javier Fernández Hidalgo, Miguel Catalan-Cid, Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, August Betzler, Elisa Jimeno Gallardo, Jose Escobar Soriano, Elisenda Temprado Garriga, Leonardo Goratti,
"A 5G Framework for the Next Generation In-FlightEntertainment and Communications (NG-IFEC)", in
Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2018)
@inproceedings{FernandezHidalgo2018a, author = {Javier Fernández Hidalgo, Miguel Catalan-Cid, Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, August Betzler, Elisa Jimeno Gallardo, Jose Escobar Soriano, Elisenda Temprado Garriga, Leonardo Goratti}, title = {A 5G Framework for the Next Generation In-FlightEntertainment and Communications (NG-IFEC)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2018)}, year = {2018} }
José-Luis Romero-Gázquez, María-Victoria Bueno-Delgado, Francisco-Javier Moreno-Muro, Pablo Pavón-Mariño,
"Net2plan-GIS: An open-source Net2Plan extension integrating GIS data for 5G network planning", in
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2018)
@inproceedings{JLRomero2018a, author = {José-Luis Romero-Gázquez, María-Victoria Bueno-Delgado, Francisco-Javier Moreno-Muro, Pablo Pavón-Mariño}, title = {Net2plan-GIS: An open-source Net2Plan extension integrating GIS data for 5G network planning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2018)}, year = {2018} }
Hamzeh Khalili, Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, David Rincon, Shuaib Siddiqui, Jose Ramon Piney and Sebastia Sallent,
"Design Considerations for an Energy-Aware SDN-basedArchitecture in 5G EPON Nodes", in
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2018)
@inproceedings{Hamzeh2018a, author = {Hamzeh Khalili, Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, David Rincon, Shuaib Siddiqui, Jose Ramon Piney and Sebastia Sallent}, title = {Design Considerations for an Energy-Aware SDN-basedArchitecture in 5G EPON Nodes}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2018)}, year = {2018} }
L. Ruiz, R.J. Durán, I. de Miguel, P. S. Khodashenas, J.-J. Pedreno-Manresa, N. Merayo, J.C. Aguado, P. Pavon-Marino, S. Siddiqui, J. Mata, P. Fernández, R.M. Lorenzo, E.J. Abril,
"Genetic Algorithm for Effective Service Mapping in the OpticalBackhaul of 5G Networks", in
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2018)
@inproceedings{Ruiz2018a, author = {L. Ruiz, R.J. Durán, I. de Miguel, P. S. Khodashenas, J.-J. Pedreno-Manresa, N. Merayo, J.C. Aguado, P. Pavon-Marino, S. Siddiqui, J. Mata, P. Fernández, R.M. Lorenzo, E.J. Abril}, title = {Genetic Algorithm for Effective Service Mapping in the OpticalBackhaul of 5G Networks}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2018)}, year = {2018} }
R. Rumipamba-Zambrano, F.J. Moreno-Muro, J. Perelló, P. Pavón-Mariño, S. Spadaro,
"Spatial Continuity Constraint in Dynamic Flex-Grid/SDM Optical Core Networks: An Evaluation with Spatial and Spectral Super-channels",
Elservier Computer Communications, vol. 126, pp 38-49
August 2018.
@article{FJMorenoAug2018, author = { R. Rumipamba-Zambrano, F.J. Moreno-Muro, J. Perelló, P. Pavón-Mariño, S. Spadaro}, title = {Spatial Continuity Constraint in Dynamic Flex-Grid/SDM Optical Core Networks: An Evaluation with Spatial and Spectral Super-channels}, journal = {Elservier Computer Communications}, year = {2018} volume = {126} pages = {38-49} }
Miquel Garrich, Francisco-Javier Moreno-Muro, María-Victoria Bueno-Delgado, Pablo Pavón Mariño,
"Open-source Network Optimization Software in the Open SDN/NFV Transport Ecosystem", accepted (to appear) in
Journal of Lightwave Technology (JLT)
@article{Miquel2018a, author = {Miquel Garrich, Francisco-Javier Moreno-Muro, María-Victoria Bueno-Delgado, Pablo Pavó Mariño}, title = {Open-source Network Optimization Software in the Open SDN/NFV Transport Ecosystem}, journal = {Journal of Lightwave Technology (JLT)}, year = {2018} }
José-Luis Romero-Gázquez, María-Victoria Bueno-Delgado,
"Software Architecture Solution based on SDN for an Industrial IoT scenario",
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Special Issue in Software-Defined Industrial Internet of Things.
, vol.2018, 12 pages,
@article{JLRomero2018b, author = {José-Luis Romero-Gázquez, María-Victoria Bueno-Delgado}, title = {Software Architecture Solution based on SDN for an Industrial IoT scenario}, journal = {Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Special Issue in Software-Defined Industrial Internet of Things}, year = {2018} volume = {2018} }
Jose-Juan Pedreno-Manresa, Claudio Porzi, Jose-Luis Izquierdo-Zaragoza, Filippo Cugini, Pablo Pavon-Mariño, "Provisioning in Metro Networks Based on Photonic Integrated WaveBand ROADMs",
Proceedings of 44th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2018)
Rome (Itlaly), 2018.
@inproceedings{Pedreno2018b, author = {Jose-Juan Pedreno-Manresa, CLaudio Porzi, Jose-Luis Izquierdo-Zaragoza, Filippo Cugini, Pablo Pavon-Marino}, title = {Provisioning in Metro Networks Based on Photonic Integrated WaveBand ROADMs}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 44th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2018)}, year = {2018} }
F.J. Moreno-Muro, C. San-Nicolás-Martínez, M. Garrich, P. Pavon-Mariño, O. González de Dios, R. Lopez Da Silva, "Latency-aware Optimization of Service Chain Allocation with joint VNF instantiation and SDN metro network control",
Proceedings of 44th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2018)
Rome (Italy), 2018.
@inproceedings{JaviMoreno2018a , author = {F.J. Moreno-Muro, C. San-Nicolás-Martínez, M. Garrich, P. Pavon-Marino, O. González de Dios, R. Lopez Da Silva}, title = {Latency-aware Optimization of Service Chain Allocation with joint VNF instantiation and SDN metro network control}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 44th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2018)}, year = {2018} }
L. Ruiz, R.J. Duran, I. de Miguel, P.S. Khodashenas, J.J Pedreno-Manresa, N. Merayo, J.C. Aguado, P. Pavon-Marino, S. Siddiqui, J. Mata, P. Fernández, R. M. Lorenzo, E.J. Abril, "A Genetic Algorithm for VNF Provisioning in NFV-Enabled Cloud/MEC RAN Architectures",
in applied sciences
2018, 8(12), 2614.
@inproceedings{LidiaRuiz2018a, author = {L. Ruiz, R.J. Duran, I. de Miguel, P.S. Khodashenas, J.J Pedreno-Manresa, N. Merayo, J.C. Aguado, P. Pavon-Marino, S. Siddiqui, J. Mata, P. Fernández, R. M. Lorenzo, E.J. Abril}, title = {A Genetic Algorithm for VNF Provisioning in NFV-Enabled Cloud/MEC RAN Architectures}, booktitle = {Applied sciences}, year = {2018} chapter={8(12), 2614} }
J. Mata, I. de Miguel, R.J. Durán, N. Merayo, S.K. Singh, A. Jukan, M. Chamania, "Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Optical Networks",
in 2018 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series, SUM 2018;
@inproceedings{Mata2018a , }
J. Azofra, N. Merayo, J.C. Aguado, I. de Miguel, R. Durán, F.J. Ruíz, C. Vega, D. Fernández, P. Fernández, R.M. Lorenzo, E.J. Abril, "Implementation of a testbed to analysis a SDN based GPON",
2018 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC)
@inproceedings{Azofra2018, }
Ramón J. Durán Barroso
Project Duration:
January 2018 to September 2021