National Projects

ONOFRE-4-UPCT Multi-stakeholder Network Planning and Orchestration for Reliable and Secure Connected Mobility, Multi-RAT Planning and Operation
ONOFRE-4-UPCT Multi-stakeholder Network Planning and Orchestration for Reliable and Secure Connected Mobility, Multi-RAT Planning and Operation
PI: Dr. Esteban Egea López / Dr. Victoria Beltrán Martínez
Reference: PID2023-148104OB-C42
Duration: from Sept 2024 to August 2027
Consortium: Collab: Technical University of Cartagena (Spain), University of Valladolid (Spain), and University of Murcia (Spain).
ONOFRE-4-UPCT (Multi-stakeholder Network Planning and Orchestration for Reliable and Secure Connected Mobility: Multi-RAT Planning and Operation) is the subproject of the ONOFRE-4 collaborative project that will be carried out by Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. ONOFRE-4 aims to develop efficient planning and management mechanisms for network infrastructures equipped with computing resources. The focus is on providing support for connected, reliable and secure mobility, with special consideration given to the interrelation between networks operated by different actors. The ONOFRE-4-UPCT subproject will focus on novel methods and algorithms for multi-RAT operation and planning of networks shared by multiple stakeholders. Multi-RAT capabilities will be enhanced by multichannel operation, and low power technologies will be considered to cover the requirements of vulnerable road users (VRU) specific devices. P2MP coherent pluggable transceivers, coupled with a hierarchical SDN controller as orchestrator will be used to satisfy constraints at the core network. Both classical methods and ML techniques will be exploited and integrated in constrained devices for real experiments and simulation tools. A mobile crowdsensing scenario with VRU-specific technologies will be used to test effective multistakeholder operation and cooperation over heterogeneous links. UPCT will leverage the Cartagena City Council air monitoring networks, OBUs developed in previous projects and the UMU Gaia 5G lab for these real tests. UPCT will lead WP3 (Wireless infrastructures: Planning and Operation of Multi-RAT Networks), and it will also participate on WP1 (Design of Reference Scenarios and System Architecture), WP2 (Wired Infrastructures: Planning and Operation of Optical Networks) and WP5 (Integration, Testing and Validation) on the final integration of ONOFRE-4 project. In any case, the collaborative project has been conceived as an integrated project and most tasks involve multi-partner collaboration at different levels.

MOVIOT – Development of mobile IoT solution for monitoring environmental conditions
MOVIOT – Development of mobile IoT solution for monitoring environmental conditions
PI: Dr. José Santa Lozano
Reference: 22228/PDC/23
Duration: from Jan 2024 to Dec 2024
Consortium: Technical University of Cartagena (Spain).
The MovIoT proof-of-concept proposes the prototyping of an environmental monitoring solution consisting of a necessary and significant number of measurement units for e-scooters equipped with sensorisation and IoT communications, and a set of data processing software modules.

Wireless and Mobile Internet of Things
Wireless and Mobile Internet of Things
PI: Dr. José Santa Lozano
Reference: CNS2022-136150
Duration: from July 2023 to June 2025
Consortium: Technical University of Cartagena (Spain).
The WILLIOT project proposes a simulation framework using ray-tracing for LPWAN, 5G and beyond 5G (B5G) networks if the field of mobile IoT, which will provide accurate performance indicators under different network configuration parameters and variable reference scenarios. Simulation results will be extracted from modelled scenarios and compared with real measurements taken for a real LoRaWAN/5G deployment based on connected personal mobility vehicles. This will involve a mobile IoT scenario covering a broad area with diverse connectivity locations.

ONOFRE-3 On-Demand Provisioning of the Network and Computing Resources from the Cloud to the Edge
ONOFRE-3 On-Demand Provisioning of the Network and Computing Resources from the Cloud to the Edge
PI: Dr. Esteban Egea López / Dr. José Santa Lozano
Reference: PID2020-112675RB-C41
Duration: from Sept 2021 to August 2024
Consortium: Collab: Technical University of Cartagena (Spain), University of Valladolid (Spain), i2CAT Foundation (Spain) and University of Murcia (Spain).
The project ONOFRE-3 deals with a 5G/6G ecosystem featured by the heterogeneity of the edge, fog, and cloud processing layers for proper management of dynamic QoS application requirements running on mobile nodes. To overcome this complexity, AI and Machine Learning techniques for contextual information prediction and network management are proposed. AI/ML can also support both offline planning methods and multiaccess coordination and control and be deployed at end devices. In this scenario, security is also mandatory from the start, hence, advanced cloud data privacy and security techniques are proposed to be smoothly managed and controlled across different cloud computing domains. Finally, practical evaluation of these mechanisms needs a realistic application scenario with clear requirements. In this line, CCAM and C-ITS verticals are taken for reference evaluation, which provide clearly defined and demanding QoS requirements and serve as reference area to analyse and develop concrete and meaningful benchmarks in a massive latency-bounded slice.

MECANO – Eco-Efficient Mobility for Connected Citizens
MECANO – Eco-Efficient Mobility for Connected Citizens
PI: Dr. José Santa Lozano
Reference: PGE-MOVES-SING-2019-000104
Duration: from Sept 2020 to September 2022
Consortium: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain), Collab: University of Murcia (Spain) and University Centre of Defense (Spain).
MECANO aims at Improving urban mobility in terms of efficiency and carbon footprint, by using sustainable transport means interconnected as IoT nodes and infrastructure sensors to gather pollution and traffic data.

Go2Edge: Diseñando las futuras redes, sistemas y servicios de computación seguros en el extremo
Go2Edge: Diseñando las futuras redes, sistemas y servicios de computación seguros en el extremo
PI: IP (UPCT): Pablo Pavón Mariño. Global IP: Ramón Durán Barroso(UVa)
Reference: RED2018-102585-T
Duration: from January 2020 to December 2022
Consortium: Universidad de Valladolid (Uva), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)/CRAAX, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Universitat de Girona (UdG), Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Universidad de Vigo (UVIGO), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)/CCABA, Universidad de Salamanca (USAL), Universidad de Granada (UGR), Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Fundación COMPUTAEX/CénitS
The Go2Edge Network is a multidisciplinary team of 15 entities that aims to combine the experience of these entities, coordinating research efforts and sharing results on technologies that bring computing and storage resources closer to the edge of the network. To this end, a multidisciplinary vision is developed with complementary capacities and interests diverse in the technologies involved in the work scenario: (i) distributed computing, (ii) cloud and fog computing, (iii) communications networks, (iv) cyber security and (v) end applications allowing to exploit these technologies.

SCOOTER systems for cooperative two-wheel vehicles
SCOOTER systems for cooperative two-wheel vehicles
PI: José Santa Lozano
Reference: Leonardo BBVA TIC0038
Duration: from October 2018 to June 2020
SCOOTER aims at connecting two-wheel vehicles and equivalent with their environment, with the main objective of offering services in the areas of safety, traffic efficiency and green mobility. We are proposing a hardware/software solution that consists of an on-board unit (OBU) on the enabled vehicle and the connection with the user’s mobile device. Since nowadays the mobile phone has become an unseparable tool for most people, we are basing our solution on creating a mobile device interface to seamlessly integrate vehicular applications in smart-phones connected with cloud-based services. These services will be fed by data collected from light vehicle OBUs. For our vision to become a reality, we need a highly integrated unit that abstract the application programmer form the potential multiple communication technologies included in the OBU. This way we will implement a middleware to manage all available communication channels (802.11p, 4/5G and LPWAN families) on the basis of a common IPv6 network access. Our platform will offer a base monitoring platform with proactive communication with the infrastructure in the form of beaconing, enabling a base for platform-adapted security and urban mobility services on the booming two wheeled transport systems. Our project also aims to demonstrate a real prototype to prove efficient driving on two wheeled transports such as scooters.

ONOFRE2: Optical Networks Convergence in the Future Internet - 2
ONOFRE2: Optical Networks Convergence in the Future Internet - 2
PI: (UPCT): Mª Victoria Bueno-Delgado and Pablo Pavón. Global IP: Ramón Durán (UVa)
Reference: TEC2017-84423-C3-2-P
Duration: from January 2018 to September 2021
Consortium: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain), Universidad de Valladolid (Spain), Fundación i2CAT (Spain)
ONOFRE-2 aims at extending the capabilities offered by the converged access/metro network designed in the previous national project ONOFRE by encouraging NFV techniques over a virtualized infrastructure. Virtualization, together with the use of the MEC paradigm, enable both energy consumption and cost reductions, and open the door to new IoT or tactile Internet services. The novelties of ONOFRE-2 are (1) the proposal of architectures, planning methods and holistic control techniques for converged access/metro networks able to comply with the requirements of 5G, IoT and Tactile Internet services, (2) the introduction of the MEC paradigm as a key ingredient to attain the previous objective, and (3) the use of SDN and NFV techniques as additional enabling tools.

“Elastics Networks: Nuevos paradigmas de Redes Elásticas para un mundo radicalmente basado en Cloud y Fog Computing”
PI: Pablo Pavón-Mariño (UPCT), David Larrabeiti-López (Global PI)
Reference: TEC2015-71932-REDT
Duration: from October 2015 to October 2018
Consortium: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC-CCABA, UPC-CRAAX), Universidad de Valladolid (UVA), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), Universitat de Girona (UdG), Centro Tecnológico de Telecomunicaciones de Cataluña (CTTC), Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (UAN).

ONOFRE: Optical Networks Convergence in the Future Internet
ONOFRE: Optical Networks Convergence in the Future Internet
PI: Pablo Pavón-Mariño
Reference: TEC2014-53071-C3-1-P
Duration: from January 2015 to December 2018
Consortium: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain), Universidad de Valladolid (Spain), Fundación i2CAT (Spain)
ONOFRE project is focused on an access/metro network convergent design, investigating the effects of NGPON2 and NGPON3 evolutions. Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) mechanisms are studied in depth, analyzing how QoS and clock synchronization requirements constraint the network design. Another goal is to investigate on-demand resource allocation schemes that behave efficiently under high traffic variability scenarios in the ROADM-based multilayer optical metro. Moreover in ONOFRE project we seek on implementing an OpenFlow (SDN) framework for a converged access/metro control plane suitable for this scenario.

FIERRO: “Eficiencia en las Redes de Altas Prestaciones”
FIERRO: “Eficiencia en las Redes de Altas Prestaciones”
PI: Pablo Pavón-Mariño (subproject UPCT)
Duration: from May 2011 to September 2012
Consortium: Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena (coordinator) and 20 Universities and Spanish Research Centers
FIERRO is a Thematic Network that brings together 21 Universities, Research Centers and Spanish companies, which investigate the technological challenges in high-performance IP networks in the Future Internet. This is, high-speed networks with traffic aggregates above 10 Gbps.

Other past projects

In the past, members of GIRTEL participated as researchers in other projects, under the Telematics Engineering Group. A list of them is shown below.

  • CALM: Characterization, Evaluation, Planning and Improvement of Key Technologies for the Future Internet: Knowledge and Transfer.
  • COPA-Ing: Conceptos y Paradigmas Avanzados para Internet de Nueva Generación.
  • FORMA: Formación del personal cualificado y herramientas y procesos telemáticos de valor añadido en el ámbito del supercomputador Ben Arabí de la Región de Murcia.
  • Redes Multinivel: IP sobre Redes de Transporte.
  • SAETA: : Sistema Autónomo para el Entrenamiento personalizado de atletas basado en Técnicas de Aprendizaje máquina e inteligencia ambiental.
  • SERPA: Contribuciones al estudio del desempeño, coexistencia y mejora de Sistemas de identificación por Radiofrecuencia Pasivos y Activos para la trazabilidad de activos reutilizables.
  • CON-PARTE: Contribución a los nuevos Paradigmas y Tecnologías de Red Para las Comunicaciones del mañana.
  • m-Ciudad.
  • ELISA: Entorno de Localización Inteligente para Servicios Asistidos.
  • PIRAMIDE: Personalizable Interactions with Resources on AMI-Enabled Mobile Dynamic.
  • Red Temática de Gestión de Redes IP orientadas a Circuitos Virtuales.
  • Red Temática de Gestión de Redes IP orientadas a Circuitos Virtuales (MPLS-GMPLS).
  • ARPaq: Avances en Redes Ópticas de Conmutación de Paquetes.
  • Diseño, Desarrollo e Integración de Tecnologías de Conmutación de Banda Ancha. Subproyecto 02: Multipunto, Tecnicas de crecimiento, Evaluación de Sistema.
  • PRIME-IP: Presentación de la Información Multimedia en Tiempo Real Utilizando Entornos de Distribución Multicast con Calidad de Servicio en Redes IP.