PI: Pablo Pavón-Mariño
Duration: from September 2014 to December 2014
Consortium: (Art. 83 LOU) between Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena (Spain) and Aire Networks (Spain)
PERSEO is an experimental development to achieve an innovative service platform highly scalable Interactive Content, in real-time and in Cloud, social recommendation based on predictive analysis of Big Data and QoE. It delivers a new architecture and formalized integrated network models services that support contents with high satisfaction user experience (QoS). Based on a scalable cloud platform, PERSEO will enable experimental proposal solutions. PERSEO IP Multimedia Systems (IMS) supports multimedia Content Management System (MCMS) for a dynamic adaptation between layers to optimize the user experience in terms of perceived quality (QoS) of multimedia services (such as VoIP or IPTV).